[Zope] Problem with dtml-sendmail

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Tue, 23 Apr 2002 22:05:32 +0200

Markus Stoll writes:
 > we wrote an email form that performs a POST
 > on a python script. This python script calls
 > a dtml-method with the <dtml-sendmail>.
 > The dtml-sendmail does not find the MailHost
 > if it is not in the same folder. So I have to create
 > a separate MailHost in the same folder and everything is 
 > fine. Acquisition otherwise works fine, the
 > standard_html_header is found and included.
 > So why does Acuqisition not work for dtml-sendmail?
It does!

Why do you make a standard error?

  DTML objects want to be called with two positional arguments.
  Please read "Calling DTML objects" in

