[Zope] Re: ZShell 1.4

Jerome Alet alet@unice.fr
Sat, 27 Apr 2002 20:07:07 +0200 (MET DST)

On Sat, 27 Apr 2002, Simon Michael wrote:

> Jerome Alet <alet@unice.fr> writes:
> > The problem is : the text area allows you to enter as many commands as you
> > want, which will be run in the same Zope transaction. So how could I
> > decide that if you press Enter you don't want to add a command to your
> > script but you want to finish it ?
> The hack I did last time was to reduce the form to a single-line text
> input and separate multiple commands with ; .

Please could you send it again to me ?

It seems I've lost some contributions here... Sorry.

Jerome Alet