[Zope] Impossibly long urls
Chris Withers
Thu, 01 Aug 2002 10:02:46 +0100
David Beech wrote:
>>>return container.xxx.yyy.zzz.aaa.absolute_url()
>>>I get a string returned not a renderable object.
>>Well indeed, what were you expecting? Actually, your first
>>example returns a string too, just a long one with lots of
>>HTML in it ;-)
> Which is what I am expecting but it's not an absolute url unless
> we want to call an absolute url an url which contains much
> repetition of paths.
That is strange... absolute_url is usually fairly good about this kindof thing
unless you're doing any funny acquisition rewrapping. Are you?
> If a script executes
> return container.xxx.yyy.zzz.aaa(container.REQUEST)
> isn't that a reference to a Zope object?
No, that just returns a string containing lots of HTML, rememer earlier? ;-)
> and doesn't that
> reference return an URL?
No, 'cos it's just a string...
> 1 Web client views form, fills form fields, submits form
The above is your ZPT..
> 2 Submit calls Python script
And we're talking about this script, right?
> 3 Script does database op
> 4 Script returns another web page
SO, you _do_ want this at the bottom:
return container.xxx.yyy.zzz.aaa(container.REQUEST)
...but I'd recommend that your ZPT gets its data from an SQL query rather than
the REQUEST, as Paul suggested.
> all of which works but the url gets longer and longer.
hmmm... I find this strange.
Idea: Can you post the code that generates the FORM tag in your editing form?
I'm interested to see what the action is...
> Thanks Chris
> cheers
> David