[Zope] main.dtml not used!?!

Peter Bengtsson mail@peterbe.com
Tue, 06 Aug 2002 13:40:36 +0100

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At 12:13 2002-08-02 -0500, Evan Simpson wrote:

>Peter Bengtsson wrote:
>>I often change some things in to encompass the ZMI to my needs on newly 
>>installed instances in
>>The strange thing is that this time the changes are not taking affect.
>>I've turned off the document cache in Opera and restarted Zope many times.
>Both my FolderFilter and Casey's ExternalEditor monkey-patch over 
>manage_main -- do you have one of them installed?

A ha!! I have ExternalEditor.
But having a look I can't find the patched manage_main. I'll keep looking.

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