[Zope] Playing the Devil's Advocate: Why Zope?

kosh@aesaeion.com kosh@aesaeion.com
Fri, 9 Aug 2002 04:23:21 -0600 (MDT)

On Fri, 9 Aug 2002, EvH wrote:

> No idea. I don't know enough, hence my looking for infos. Besides the
> acquisition mechanism, is Zope's security features the only features that
> should make me choose it over PHP or other languages (Perl, etc.) ?

Well I have found python far easier to develop with then any other
language so far. I have also found it has the lowest long term
maintenance cost of any other language I have worked with so far.

Zope also has a standard user system and there are many custom user
folders that will auth against many kinds of sources and integrate with
the security system which I feel is extremely important.

Zope also has a lot of products for various things you might need and I
have found that they are easy to install and get running. Some things like
session management are built in now and they work easily.

Overall I am not really sure what you mean to be major features since I
think those I have stated are very major features. I don't think python
can be overlooked as a major feature since more time is spent in
maintenance then inital development.