[Zope] Structured text and MySQL

Nicolas Évrard nicoe@wanadoo.be
Fri, 9 Aug 2002 13:21:44 +0200

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* Maik Jablonski  [12:53 09/08/02 CEST]:=20
>Nicolas =C9vrard wrote:
>>I use MySQL to keep informations about my comics. In this DB, I've got a
>>field with structured text in it.
>>When I render it, it just render fine except when I use non-ascii
>>caracters ie *foo* -> <em>foo</em> but *=E9cole* -> *=E9cole*
>>Is there any work around ??
>do you have set your right locale with the -L option at startup of your=20

Indeed ... I forgot to check google to see if the problem was in the
locale. I though I used =E9 somewhere else and so I though it was a weird
interaction between MySQL and the structured text ...

Sorry for the inconvenient and thanks anyway

(=B0>  Nicolas =C9vrard
/ )  Li=E8ge - Belgique

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