[Zope] Python script problem
Dieter Maurer
Sun, 11 Aug 2002 19:51:17 +0200
List Subscriber @ Neurobs writes:
> I am trying to call 'zip'(linux) from within my python external method. The is
> what I do:
> ### SRC ###
> import os
> src_dir = 'some_dir'
> cmd_apth = '/usr/bin/zip'
> zip_file_name = 'res.zip'
> os.chdir(src_dir)
> result = os.spawnl(os.P_WAIT,cmd_path,'-rv',zip_file_name,'.')
> print result
> ### END SRC ###
> the result is always 12 (zip error: Nothing to do). zip creates the
> directory structures in the zip file but does not put in the actual
> files.
Unix processes want an additional "argument 0" which by default is
the name of the program file.
result = os.spawnl(os.P_WAIT,cmd_path,'zip','-rv',zip_file_name,'.')