[Zope] Undo log

Mark Gibson mark@dimensional.com
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 11:51:00 -0600

Is there any way to log specific messages, or customize the message a 
transaction leaves in the undo log?  I have a method that does a both 
updates and deletes an object.  I'd like to be able to show in the undo 
log which event was executed.  For example:

current undo log:

  /path/document_edit by mark  2002-08-13 11:29:41 AM
  /path/document_edit by mark  2002-08-13 11:29:27 AM

want it to show something like:

/path/document_edit deleted by mark 2002-08-13 11:29:41 AM
/path/document_edit updated by mark 2002-08-13 11:29:27 AM

