[Zope] problems with ws-ftp, firewall and zope web sever.
David Elfstrom
Mon, 19 Aug 2002 17:53:17 -0400
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Was Zope running with the -D command switch? Look in z2.py. Remove the -D
and try again.
I have found that if -D (debug) is set, I can crash Zope by trying to FTP
into it.
This is apparently because the debug mode wants to print out messages to
the console of the user who started it.
]At 02:12 PM 8/19/2002 -0400, Jianping Zhu wrote:
>I was trying to ftp files to the zope web sever in my redhat linux sever.
>zope ftp uses port 8021 so After open ws_ftp, I clicked connected, in the
>session property/advaced i
> set the remote port number to 8021.network timeout to 60. in
> session property/General I set host name to my
> linux sever name which the zope websever reside in, I put the root
> manager name of zope website in the field of UserID and password and
> cliked ok
>it gives info as following:
> connecting to
> 200 port command successfully.
> 150 opening ascii node data connection for the list
> !timer cancelled blocking call
> !accept error: blocking call cancelled
> !Retrieve of folder list failed (O)
David Elfstrom, P.Eng elfstrom@sten.sunnybrook.utoronto.ca
Systems Engineer, Research Computing
Sunnybrook & Women's College Health Sciences Centre
Rm#S6-20, 2075 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, Canada M4N 3M5
phone: 416-480-6100 x3416 fax: 416-480-5714
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