[Zope] Linux vs. UNIX vs. BSD

Peter Bengtsson mail@peterbe.com
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 10:55:14 +0100

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If I get a lot of good comments on this I'll make it a little how to on 

What *nix is best to use with Zope?
For dev and desktop I personally prefer Mandrake, but what I like becomes 
irrelevant when it's time to set up a serious server for production use.
What matters then is:
  - performance
  - configurability
  - ease-of-use and lack of hacks
  - integration with RDBMS
  - backup possibilities
  - ZEO (load balancing and caching).

Does anybody have any real experience of production deployment with various 
Which ones are better than other and which ones to avoid.

The "ease-of-use and lack of hacks" is important to me since I'm just an 
experienced *nix user. Far from expert.

Thank you, Peter

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