[Zope] Can't access a method 'in this context'

Tim Hicks tim@sitefusion.co.uk
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 11:44:51 +0100

> Tim Hicks wrote:
> > Further checks reveal that the user (who I am programatically logging
> > does indeed have have suitable roles ('Manager') to do what I want.
> How are you programatically logging in?

# 'self' is the plugin converter object
folder = self.restrictedTraverse(path_to_folder)
#Authenticate with the same acl_users as the original uploader
acl_users = folder.acl_users
user = acl_users.authenticate(qfile.user, qfile.passw, request={})
user = user.__of__(acl_users)
newSecurityManager(None, user)

> > ps My plugins are stored in a dictionary on my ZOffice instance (so they
> > don't appear in the ZMI).  The method 'getConverterByName(self, name)'
> > explicitly returns converter.__of__(self) to ensure the acquisition
> > makes sense.
> My bet is still on a missed security definition somewhere...

Debug log output reveals the following:

2002-08-20 00:10:41,871 DEBUG dir(self.aq_parent) => ['_objects',
'_pluginConverters', 'asyncSuccess', 'cleanId', 'currentConverter',
'handleFiles', 'id', 'makeZPT', 'nullUpload', 'title', 'uploadBox',
'uploadBoxAsync', 'uploadDispatch', 'uploadDispatchAsync']
2002-08-20 00:10:41,871 DEBUG self.aq_parent.__roles__ => ('Anonymous',
'Manager', 'sysUser', 'zlaveUser')
2002-08-20 00:10:41,901 DEBUG dir(user) => ['__', 'domains', 'name',
2002-08-20 00:10:41,901 DEBUG user.roles => ['Manager']

The getBody method works when called directly from dtml and has the
following security...

security.declareProtected('ZOffice Converter: Use', 'getBody')
def getBody(self, html):

'Manager' does have the 'ZOffice Converter: Use' permission.
