[Zope] POSKeyError ... uh-oh
Paul Winkler
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 00:25:34 -0700
On Thu, Aug 22, 2002 at 09:12:59AM +0200, Robert Rottermann wrote:
> As I said in a former post, this can be done from a running zope with a mere
> python script.
> Nothing involved that needs an external script or something as esoteric like
> accessing zope from a python prompt..
> All you need to know is the id of the broken object which you (probably) can
> find by something like:
> folder = getattr(context, "theFolder")
> brokenObjs = folder.objectItems('broken')
> ...
> If objectItems does not let you ask for 'broken' you can at least list the
> ids, and make an intelligent guess which one it is.
I'd already done more or less that by playing around in zshell.
But thanks for the tips - they will probably help someone
who can't / doesn't want to use the python prompt.
Paul Winkler
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