[Zope] python script + ZSQL
Mon, 26 Aug 2002 14:28:23 +0530
To check if a zsql method has returned a null record set , I use the
following method in a python script
px = []
#Declaring an array
pset = context.oms.Proj.Task.db.zsqlr_task(id = id1) #Calling the
Zsql Method paassing a varible id
for c in pset:
px = px + [[c[0]]]
#Inserting the value of the first field into the array
if (px == []):
print "No Record" #If the
record set has no values It returns an empty array(Here i am just printing a
print px
#Else the first field value is printed out
This is how i do the check .Is there a better way to check if the record set
returned is Null or not?
This is a way I have been able to figure out.
Best Regards
John Kunchandy
> alienoid wrote:
> >Hello zope users,
> >
> >Case:
> >
> >I call zsql method from python script,
> >how can I get information about successful or unsuccessful
> >return of zsql method within python script?
> >
> >Your help is very appreciated
> >
> >
> >
> What is the meaning of succesful return ?
> You would get the result in a dictionary if the query is executed
> without any errors. This may be empty if the result is empty.
> If there are any issues with the execution of the query you should
> see an error message giving you some information on the type
> of error.
> Chetan
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