[Zope] python script + ZSQL

Dennis Allison allison@sumeru.stanford.EDU
Mon, 26 Aug 2002 08:49:52 -0700

> To check if a zsql method has returned a null record set , I use the
> following method in a python script
> px = []
> #Declaring an array
> pset =  context.oms.Proj.Task.db.zsqlr_task(id = id1)        #Calling the
> Zsql Method paassing a varible id
> for c in pset:
>      px = px + [[c[0]]]
> #Inserting the value of the first field into the array
> if (px ==  []):
>   print "No Record"                                            #If the
> record set has no values It returns an empty array(Here i am just printing a
> message)
> else:
>   print px
> #Else the first field value is printed out

I'd have used 

# this is the query -- returns a DB object
res = container.query( ... )  

# convert to a list of tuples (aka rows)
res = res.tuples()

# test for emptyness ...
if( res == []):
	print "the query returned no rows"
	print 'the query returned " + len(res) " " rows."