Python on multi-processor machines (Was Re: [Zope] Re: Windows vs. Linux)

Paul Winkler
Thu, 29 Aug 2002 11:03:52 -0700

On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 10:23:40AM -0700, AM wrote:
> Related to the topic, I recieved a 2P Athlon MP machine running RH7.3. 
> So how would I go about getting Zope to bind to one processor (if 
> possible) or atleast get the performance on par with a normal 1P machine??

quickest & easiest treatment would be the sys.setcheckinterval()
thing, which you can do just by setting the -i flag to  Edit your zope start script so that it looks something like:

exec /usr/bin/python \
     $INST_HOME/ \
     -i NNN \

where NNN is pystones / 50.
How do you get pystones for your machine?
Run the script which will be somewhere
like /usr/lib/python2.1/test/


Paul Winkler
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