[Zope] hot to ftp file to zope server

Jo Meder jo@meder.de
Sun, 1 Dec 2002 22:52:49 +0100

Am 01.12.2002, 22:17 Uhr
	schräb Jianping Zhu <zjp@arches.uga.edu>:

> Thank you for reply
> I use ws_ftple try to connect to my zope sever, by i got following error
> msg:
> -----------------------------------------------
> connecting to
> !connection failed milo -connection refused
> !connection failed milo
> -------------------------------------------------------------

This means that there is no ftp-server listening on port 8021. So
perhaps your zope is using some other port? Have you checked your config
(and perhaps the zope logs, the ports zope actually uses are logged
there at startup).


Internetmanufaktur Jo Meder ---------------------- Berlin, Germany
http://www.meder.de/ ------------------- fon: ++49-30-417 17 63 33
Kollwitzstr. 75 ------------------------ fax: ++49-30-417 17 63 45
10435 Berlin --------------------------- mob: ++49-170- 2 98 89 97
Public GnuPG-Key ---------- http://www.meder.de/keys/jo-pubkey.txt