[Zope] how to get number of users accessing a resource at any given time ...
Dieter Maurer
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 23:52:44 +0100
ralph s writes:
> i have this script which is going to be called by a
> lot of anonymous users to search the database ... is
> there anyway i can determine how many of them are
> accessing the script at a given time ...so that as
> soon as another user comes in ...he can be informed of
> his status in the queue ...
> would using the keys method of the
> TransientObjectContainer class be a solution ?
It would give you the number of currently known sessions.
This is not directly a queue length...
> but
> security restricitions prevent me from accessing this
> method ... and if this can be used how do i use it ?
You can use External Methods or (XXPythonScripts) to avoid
security restrictions.
When you want to present queue states, I would implement
the queue the states of which you want to show.
My modune "SharedResource" may help you