[Zope] Help : changeOwnership
Pascal Romon
Fri, 6 Dec 2002 15:47:34 +0100
Could someone help me understanding how to change ownership of an
object ?
I've looked through the lists and docs to no avail :-(
[ Let me point out that I am a newbie ... ]
Problem (obvious) : objects created by manager are owned by manager.
I want to relinquish ownership to a given user.
Solutions (not working) : I seen some scripts using changeOwnership BUT
1) some scripts use a __of__ method that my Zope does not accept
(eg a cool chown script
http://www.zope.org/Members/vernier/Debian/CMF_Creator )
2) others are accepted by Zope, like -- stupid --
but upon execution of /.../object/chown?username=blahblah
I get after typing in the identity & password
"You are not authorized to access this resource.
Username and password are not correct. "
(either as manager or as the user involved).
What's going on ?