[Zope] Installing Zope under RedHat
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 16:44:16 -0500 (EST)
You did a pretty good job with the startup script.
There's a few things here to deal with.
But addressing your original request first:
- run "grep ^id /etc/inittab" and show us what that gives you.
- run "ls -l /etc/rc.d/rc?.d/*zope" and paste the output from that into
your reply also.
- run "grep zope /etc/passwd" and send us the output as well (if there
is any). If you want to edit out from your reply the characters between
the first and second colons (':'), you can do that. If this grep
returns anything, it'll probably be just an 'x'.
We're close to fixing this.
Andrew Durdin at 07:43 (UTC+1100) on Fri, 13 Dec 2002 said:
= Thanks for the quick response, ken.
= ----- Original Message -----
= From: "ken" <ken@cleveland.lug.net>
= > Which linux are you using?
= I'm using RedHat 7.3.
= > When you cd to /etc/rc.d/init.d/ and run the script (say its name is
= > zope) a la
= >
= > /zope start
= >
= > what happens? Does it start up?
= Yes, when I do that (as root), zope starts with the following messages:
= =================================================================
= [root@box init.d]# ./zope start
= Starting Zope: [root@box init.d]# /usr/local/zope/2.6.0/z2.py:385:
= UserWarning: Y
= ou are running Python version 2.2.2. This Python version has not yet been
= tested
= with Zope and you may experience operational problems as a result. Consider
= using
= Python 2.1.3 instead.
= warnings.warn(err)
= ------
= 2002-12-13T07:34:04 INFO(0) zdaemon Started subprocess: pid 1375
= /usr/local/zope/2.6.0/z2.py:385: UserWarning: You are running Python version
= 2.2.2
= . This Python version has not yet been tested with Zope and you may
= experience op
= erational problems as a result. Consider using Python 2.1.3 instead.
= warnings.warn(err)
= ------
= 2002-12-13T07:34:15 INFO(0) ZODB Opening database for mounting:
= '144707896_1036222
= 030.749935'
= ------
= 2002-12-13T07:34:15 INFO(0) ZODB Mounted database
= '144707896_1036222030.749935' at
= /temp_folder
= ------
= 2002-12-13T07:34:16 INFO(0) ZServer HTTP server started at Fri Dec 13
= 07:34:16 200
= 2
= Hostname: box.lan
= Port: 8080
= ------
= 2002-12-13T07:34:16 INFO(0) ZServer FTP server started at Fri Dec 13
= 07:34:16 2002
= Hostname: box.lan
= Port: 8021
= ------
= 2002-12-13T07:34:17 INFO(0) ZServer PCGI Server started at Fri Dec 13
= 07:34:17 200
= 2
= Unix socket: /usr/local/zope/2.6.0/var/pcgi.soc
= ------
= 2002-12-13T07:34:17 INFO(0) z2 Running Zope as 'nobody' can compromise your
= Zope f
= iles; consider using a dedicated user account for Zope
= =================================================================
= > Finally do a "grep ^si: /etc/inittab" and paste the output into your
= > reply.
= si::sysinit:/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
= The script I use for starting Zope is as follows:
= =======================================================================
= #!/bin/sh
= # Startup script for Zope
= #
= # description: Run zope (web management) server
= # Source function library.
= . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
= prog="Zope"
= start() {
= echo -n $"Starting $prog: "
= /usr/local/zope/2.6.0/start -u nobody &
= return $RETVAL
= }
= stop() {
= /usr/local/zope/2.6.0/stop
= return 0
= }
= case "$1" in
= start)
= start
= ;;
= stop)
= stop
= ;;
= status)
= status $prog
= ;;
= restart)
= stop
= start
= ;;
= condrestart)
= ;;
= *)
= echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
= exit 1
= esac
= exit 0
= =======================================================================
= In /etc/rc3.d, the link to the zope script is currently "S96zope"
= Andrew
= > Andrew Durdin at 22:08 (UTC+1100) on Thu, 12 Dec 2002 said:
= >
= > = Hi,
= > =
= > = I've been running Zope on my Win98 box just to try it out initially
= (less
= > = setup involved), but now I'm trying to install it on my Linux machine
= for
= > = better stability etc. I've successfully installed it, and it runs fine*
= when
= > = I start it manually, but I cannot get it to start on bootup: I've set up
= a
= > = script in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ and a link to it in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/ (which
= is
= > = the correct runlevel), but although on bootup it says "Starting Zope....
= [
= > = OK ]", Zope actually doesn't launch.
= > = Unfortunately, I don't have the details of the script with me at the
= moment
= > = (I'll get them ASAP), but until then does anyone know any reasons that
= might
= > = be causing this? Is there anything in particular that has to be started
= > = before Zope? At present I'm trying to run it with ZServer on port 8080
= > = (although Apache is running on the box on port 80).
= > =
= > = Thanks,
= > =
= > = Andrew
= > =
= > = *Except for a warning about Python 2.2.2 being too new, and one about
= > = running as "nobody"
= > =
= > =
= > = _______________________________________________
= > = Zope maillist - Zope@zope.org
= > = http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope
= > = ** No cross posts or HTML encoding! **
= > = (Related lists -
= > = http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-announce
= > = http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )
= > =
= >