[Zope] Strange ZSQL error in ZMI

Jim Washington jwashin@vt.edu
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 23:47:13 -0500

Hmm.  I recognize my pretty-old ZClass Product, QSurvey, near the 
beginning of  the traceback.  What version of Zope are you using?  There 
have been problems with some ZClass products, including that one, on 
upgrade to Zope-2.6.0.  As a shot in the dark, have you by chance 
recently upgraded?

-- Jim Washington

Allen Schmidt wrote:

>We just started getting this in ZSQL methods when clicking on the Advanced
>Tab in the ZMI.
>Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.
>Error Type: Could not load oid 3Á, pickled data in traceback info may
>contain clues
>Error Value: None
><p>Traceback (innermost last):
><li>  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 98, in publish</li>
><li>  Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply</li>
><li>  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 39, in call_object</li>
><li>  Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 252, in __call__</li>
><li>  Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 283, in _bindAndExec</li>
><li>  Module App.special_dtml, line 174, in _exec</li>
><li>  Module Shared.DC.ZRDB.DA, line 476, in manage_product_zclass_info</li>
><li>  Module ZODB.Connection, line 533, in setstate</li>
><li>  Module ZODB.Connection, line 192, in _persistent_load<br />
>__traceback_info__:      3Á</li>
><li>  Module ZODB.Connection, line 131, in __getitem__<br />
>__traceback_info__: ('\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x1d3\xc1',
>3MWpq\x1etq\x1ftq QU\x12__ac_permissions__q!)U\x07__doc__q"U\x0ePage
>doc__q]U6 Returns the locktoken identified by the locktokenuri
>\npositionalqj(hbtqkubU\rwl_lockValuesql(h[o}qm(h]U_ Returns a sequence of
>locks.  if \'killinvalids\' is true,\n        invalid locks will be
>ptqrubU\rwl_lockTokensqs(h[o}qt(h]Ue Returns a sequence of lock tokens.  if
>\'killinvalids\' is true,\n        invalid locks will be
>ckqy(h[o}qz(h]UU Returns true if the lock identified by the token is
>attached\n        to the object.
>ubU\x0bwl_isLockedq\x81(h[o}q\x82(h]Uh Returns true if \'self\' is locked at
>all.  If invalid locks\n        still exist, they should be
>\x86(h[o}q\x87(h]U\xef Store the LockItem, \'lock\'.  The locktoken will be
>used to fetch\n        and delete the lock.  If the lock exists, this MUST\n
>overwrite it if all of the values except for the \'timeout\' on the\n
>old and new lock are the same.
>8atq\x8dubU\rwl_clearLocksq\x8e(h[o}q\x8f(h]Uc Deletes ALL DAV locks on the
>object - should only be called\n        by lock management machinery.
>(h[o}q\x94(h]U\xa1 Returns (key, value) pairs of locktoken, lock.\n\n
>if \'killinvalids\' is true, invalid locks (locks whose timeout\n        has
>been exceeded) will be
>ubU\nwl_delLockq\x99(h[o}q\x9a(h]U6 Deletes the locktoken identified by the
>x03\x00\x00    This represents the basic protocol needed to support the
>write lock\n    machinery.\n\n    It must be able to answer the
>questions:\n\n     o Is the object locked?\n\n     o Is the lock owned by
>the current user?\n\n     o What lock tokens are associated with the current
>object?\n\n     o What is their state (how long until they\'re supposed to
>time out?,\n       what is their depth?  what type are they?\n\n    And it
>must be able to do the following:\n\n     o Grant a write lock on the object
>to a specified user.\n\n       - *If lock depth is infinite, this must also
>grant locks on **all**\n         subobjects, or fail altogether*\n\n     o
>Revoke a lock on the object.\n\n       - *If lock depth is infinite, this
>must also revoke locks on all\n         subobjects*\n\n    **All methods in
>the WriteLock interface that deal with checking valid\n    locks MUST check
>the timeout values on the lockitem (ie, by calling\n
>\'lockitem.isValid()\'), and DELETE the lock if it is no longer valid**\n\n
>\npermissionq\xa9U Add Documents, Images, and
>riptAddq\xb8h\xa9U\x12Add Python Scriptsq\xb9h\xabU\x0fScript
>fbranch_questionq\xc8U\x00U\nsubmittextq\xc9U\x19Continue to next
></ul>Could not load oid      3Á, pickled data in traceback info may
>contain clues
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