[Zope] Howto use getattr() without acquisition?

Chris Withers chrisw@nipltd.com
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 16:57:03 +0000




dave@loewen.com wrote:
> I'm building a python script to generate breadcrumb navigation links on 
> each page of my website.
> It creates hyperlinks and uses the title or id for the link. I'd like to 
> add a feature so that if the folder has a "nickname" property, it will 
> use this for the breadcrumb hyperlink instead of the title.
> I tried using "hasattr()" to see if the current folder has a nickname 
> property. It seems to work if the folder has a nickname property. 
> However, if the folder doesn't have that properly, but the parent does, 
> it still returns "true" and then getattr() acquires it from the parent 
> instead of using the title. Is there a way to tell hasattr() to *not* 
> use acquisition? Or perhaps another method which would do what I want? 
> I'm sure there is a much more elegant way to do this...
> (These question feels like a FAQ, and I did do my best to search the 
> group archives, but couldn't find anything appropriate-- most breadcrumb 
> conversations seem to revolve around DTML and getProperty().)
> --dave
> """
> This script creates breadcrumb style navigation links.
> It walks the REQUEST.PARENTS list of parents and creates
> a hyperlink for each parent. It stops at the Examples folder.
> """
> links=[]
> for parent in context.REQUEST.PARENTS[1:]:
>     id = parent.getId()
>     if hasattr(parent, 'nickname'):
>         label = getattr(parent, 'nickname')
>     elif parent.title != "":
>         label = parent.title
>     else:
>         label = parent.getId()
>     links.insert(0, """<a href="%s" class="breadcrumb">%s</a>""" % 
> (parent.absolute_url(), label))
> # Now get label for current container
> if context.hasProperty('nickname'):
>   label = context.nickname
> elif context.title != "":
>   label = context.title
> else:
>   label = context.getId()
> return " : ".join(links) + " : " + label