[Zope] WebDAV question: My FTPstat and FTPlist are never reached
Robert Rottermann
Fri, 1 Feb 2002 08:20:43 +0100
some time ago you sendt me the answer below. Thank you. However I am still
at a loss. How do I use this WebDAV methods?
The developper guide under the heading webdav support reads as follows:
In addition to inheriting from basic DAV classes, your classes must
implement PUT and manage_FTPget. These two methods are also required for FTP
support. So by implementing WebDAV support, you also implement FTP support.
If I access my object by FTP my methods are reached.
If I access it by WebDAV everything works fine, however my own methos are
never reached. Since I want to alter the default behaviour I am at a loss.
Any typs will be much appreciated
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dieter Maurer" <dieter@handshake.de>
To: "Robert Rottermann" <robert@redcor.ch>
Cc: <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] WebDAV question: My FTPstat and FTPlist are never
> Robert Rottermann writes:
> > ... "FTPstat" and "FTPlist"...
> > however neither of them is ever hit when I access an instance of the
> > trough WebDAV (I am using MS Word)
> >
> > Any tips what I am doing wrong is much appreciated.
> You use WebDAV rather than FTP ;-)
> As fas as I know, WebDAV is not supposed to use the FTP methods.
> Dieter
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