[Zope] Re : Zope on solaris for the beginner.

FrŽdŽric Lemaitre flemaitre@fede.generali.fr
Fri, 01 Feb 2002 11:57:51 +0100

Hello Jesse,

Maybe this is your first problem on Solaris......

But it won't be the last : 3 months ago, like U, i choose Zope for
building few Intranet/Extranet sites on Solaris....
.... but Python's multithreading implementation doesn't work on Solaris.

Zope seems to work in a mono-threading mode on Solaris : the problem is
still present on Python 2.1.2, maybe it's solved on Python 2.2 (but i'm
not sure). But Zope doesn't work with Python 2.2....

.... so we had to install our sites on NT Servers in order to work with
Zope (we don't have others Unix systems for production sites in our
compagny)...... :-(

Zope on Solaris is still a bad choise and i wonder why doesn't it
mentionned on Zope.org, i wonder..... ????????

Excuse my English...

>Message: 8
>   Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 16:09:58 -0500
>   From: "jesse wright" <jesse.wright@cameraplanet.com>
>Subject: Zope on solaris for the beginner.
>This is very humble-ing.
>Hopefully someone is a salvation waiting to happen.
>I'm new to Zope and could really use a little help installing.
>I'm on a Solaris Box.
>I've Downloaded Zope-2.5.0-solaris-2.6-sparc
>./install -u root
>all looks good
>Next I try to
>./start -u root
>All goes well until the install seems to get hung up on
>Unix socket: /path to Zope-2.5.0/var/pcgi
>When I try to
>./start (with no other options)
>I get:
>File /path to Zope/zy.py, line 688, in?
>IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/path to Zope/var/Z2.pid'
>I imagine this time the error comes from not starting as root.
>That and the fact that this file does not seem t be in the "var" folder.
>basically i can't bet to
>So I haven't got this up and running yet.
>I would greatly appreciate any Advice on this.
>Thank you in Advance,
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