[Zope] downloading files crashes Zope

Chris McDonough chrism@zope.com
Mon, 4 Feb 2002 10:00:11 -0500


You didn't say what platform you're running on, but it'd be helpful to get a
traceback.. in order to give us one of these you'll need to turn on
logging... do this by setting the STUPID_LOG_FILE environment variable to a
filename in your startup script.  Here's an example of a "start" script on
Linux that logs errors to "var/stupid.log":

#! /bin/sh
reldir=`dirname $0`
PYTHONHOME=`cd $reldir; pwd`
exec /usr/bin/python \
     $PYTHONHOME/z2.py  -X -w 80 STUPID_LOG_FILE='var/stupid.log' \
     -D '' "$@"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gabriela Arevalo" <arevalo@iam.unibe.ch>
To: <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 4:16 AM
Subject: [Zope] downloading files crashes Zope

> Hi everybody,
> we have Zope running for a European project and the users access the
> server with different platforms: Windows, Solaris and Macintosh.
> But, with one of the Macintosh computers, each time that the user tries to
> download a file, Zope crashes -I have to restart it again.
> Has anybody this problem?
> Is it related to kind of users permissions ?
> Is any file where the log of problems is registered ?
> Thanks for any help.
> Gaby
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> " The intelligence of his heart had taught him the uselessness of the
> glory " El General en su Laberinto - Garcia Marquez
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gabriela Beatriz Arevalo
> Institut fur Informatik und angewandte Mathematik
> Gruppe Software Composition
> Neubrueckstrasse 10 - 3012 - Bern
> TE:  +41 31 631 4868 (Raum: 106)
> Fax: +41 31 631 3355
> email: arevalo@iam.unibe.ch
> http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~arevalo/
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