[Zope] Zope and R
seb bacon
04 Feb 2002 16:05:19 +0000
On Mon, 2002-02-04 at 15:42, A.J. Rossini wrote:
> >>>>> "RB" == Ragnar Beer <rbeer@uni-goettingen.de> writes:
> RB> Yep, that's exactly what I mean. It would be very nice if you
> RB> could comment some more.
> So, I (and another group, independently) have discussed integration,
> with the idea of having Zope be a WWW-front end for statistical
> analysis, both report generation as well as interactive style.
> Version 1: treat R as batch. This is ugly, and works (i.e. shell-out
> in CGI-style, constructing image files for the graphics and use
> LocalFS to read them back in.
What's wrong with that approach? It doesn't have to be ugly. You can
distribute the work to other computers, the batch will run as a separate
process which gives you a certain number of advantages, and *it works*.
I use imagemagick like this and I'm very happy with it. The only issue
is writing x-platform code can be a bit tricksy.