[Zope] timeout
Christopher N. Deckard
Mon, 04 Feb 2002 16:16:00 -0500
Ulrich Wisser wrote:
> one of my reports takes more than 5 minutes.
> This causes Zope to produce a timeout. Although
> it is no good idea to let the user wait that
> long, I would prefer to show a result anyway.
> How can I set the timeout?
What are you doing that takes that long? I have a 1,500 folders
with over 10,000 folders spread throughout. My reports take a long
time to generate too. I am switching everything over to using
ZCatalogs now. Set up the ZCatalog metadata to store things when it
indexes and then just use the catalog when building your reports.
Some of my things which took 1 minute to do now take 2 seconds. I'm
hoping that this whole report goes from being 10 minutes down to 20
seconds. Still working on it though. :-)
Christopher N. Deckard | Lead Web Systems Developer
cnd@ecn.purdue.edu | Engineering Computer Network
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/ | Purdue University
---- zlib.decompress('x\234K\316Kq((-J)M\325KM)\005\000)"\005w') ---