[Zope] new, so don't know what to do with this?
Thomas B. Passin
Fri, 8 Feb 2002 16:11:08 -0500
This probably indicates that you are using Python 1.5.2, which does not come
with distutils. You can get it from the Python site at www.python.org
(well, at least it will get you to it).
BUT, you want to use the same version of Python that your Zope installation
uses. Before version 2.3.4, it used Python 1.5.2. Version 2.4.x uses
Python 2.1, and I think 2.5.x does also (but better check this to make sure
it isn't up to Python 2.2). The versions of Python above 1.5.2 come with
distutils so you won't have to get it yourself.
Tom P
[Raymond Norton]
I am very new, and just trying to set up the ZMySQLDA adapter and
MySQL-python driver. As per the instructions I am trying to compile the
drivers. I entered "python setup.py build" I get the following error:
trackback (intermost last):
File "setup.py", line 6, in ?
from distutils.core import setup
ImportError: No Module named distutils.core.
Any help so I can move ahaead would be greatly appreciated