[Zope] Cookie userfolder - Redirect after login

Max M maxm@mxm.dk
Mon, 11 Feb 2002 21:52:08 +0000


I am trying out the cookie userfolder. I have a login screen on the 
frontpage that posts username and password to the user folder.

So far so good.

What I want to achieve is that when the user is logged on, he gets 
redirected to a new personal page. Something like the following code:

self.RESPONSE.redirect(AUTHENTICATED_USER + '/dash')

Has anybody got a clue as how to achieve this? I have read the source 
and the documentation of "Cookie User Folder" but cannot really get my 
head around it.

After I send my form data to the user folder what happens then? Which 
method actually get the form data and sets the cookie? AFAIK I send the 
data to the user folder object. But there must be a method that takes 
care of the form data. So I expected to find a '__call__()' method 
defined, but no such luck.

I might be stupid but I cannot figure it out. :-(

regards Max M