[Zope] Newbie question re referring to items

Gupta, Anu Anu.Gupta@uk.wmmercer.com
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 09:26:02 -0000

Thanks for all the help guys...

Actually, I knew these techniques, but for some reason, they were failing. 

Suddenly I realised I had a different images folder one level up which was
being acquired rather than the images directory I wanted, higher up the

Moral - delete temporary folders before they bite you in the ass - and think
before posting. Still, maybe someone else will search on this one day, and
save 10 minutes of their time !

-----Original Message-----
From: Dieter Maurer [mailto:dieter@handshake.de]
Sent: 11 February 2002 20:12
To: Gupta, Anu
Cc: 'zope@zope.org'
Subject: Re: [Zope] Newbie question re referring to items

Gupta, Anu writes:
 > Feel stupid for asking this question, but can't work it out...
Did you read the Zope book or

 > Given a folder structure similar to the following:
 > /
 >   test
 >     images
 >     content
 > How does a dtml document in /test/content obtain an image from the
 > /test/images folder, without using the <img...> tag. I want to be able to
 > get it using <dtml-var ...>
Background reading will tell you about the following options:

   *   "<dtml-with images><dtml-var myimage></dtml-with>"

   *   '<dtml-var expr="restrictedTraverse(path_to_your_image)">'

   *   '<dtml-var expr="images[name_of_your_image_as_string]">'

   *   '<dtml-var expr="images.your_image">'

Read a bit, learn about the various restrictions
and select the best alternative for you.


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