[Zope] Which path?
Tom Donovan
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 09:58:20 -0600
I am developing an on-line job application system for my school district and
have pretty much decided that Zope is the way to go. I have been reading up
and experimenting with CMF, MetaPublisher, Formulator, etc., and can see how
each has features that I can apply to my task, but am at a bit of a loss as
to which is the best path to take.
My specs include:
1. An applicant should be able to create his or her own account, a la CMF.
2. An applicant should be able to complete and submit the
application/information sheet only once. (It is not obvious to me how I
could impose this limitation within CMF.)
3. An application should be able to come back to the site later and update
his/her information.
4. An applicant should be able to upload an electronic version of his/her
resume (Word doc, PDF, etc.).
5. An applicant should be able to "apply" for a posted position. (In many
cases, applicants will simply be submitting info without applying for a
particular position.)
6. Local staff should be able to post and manage job openings. (Postings
should automatically expire based on an application deadline.)
7. Local staff should be able to search for applicants based on any number
of criteria (obviously).
8. Local staff should be able to download an applicant's resume.
9. Local staff should be able to delete applicants
10. ??
I'm not looking for a detailed "how-to" on any of this (yet ;-) ). What I
would appreciate is advice on which path to take and any major pitfalls to
avoid. So... My questions:
1. Are there solutions already out there for doing this kind of job bank
system? I have searched Zope.org and any place else I could find, and
nothing jumped out at me.
2. If not, would I be better off using CMF as a basis for the system or
would it make more sense to use a collection of other products & custom
objects to build the system "directly" in Zope (for lack of a better
description)? What products would be the best starting points?
Thanks in advance for any light you can shed.
Tom Donovan "The scandal of education is that every time you
Coord. of Info. Systems teach something you deprive a child of the
Hawthorn School District 73 pleasure and benefit of discovery."
Vernon Hills, IL -- Seymour Papert, _The Connected Family_