[Zope] Testing for Equality
Thu, 14 Feb 2002 11:16:30 +0000
> Hi,
> I have a form which the user is supposed to indicate whether their
> residence is the same as their spouse's residence. If the mother and father
> live in the same residence, I want to skip the mother's address because we
> already have it. If the residence is not the same, I want the user to enter
> the mother's address. Here is how I implemented it.
> I have a form called maritalStatus on which the user selects from a radio
> button group their marital status and also selects Yes or No to the
> question about the residence address. The post method for that form is a
> folder name, forms, in which index_html is a form which is used to enter
> the father's info. This form receives a variable called SAME_RESIDENCE from
> the maritalStatus form. I need to pass SAME_RESIDENCE on from the father's
> form to the mother's form so I have a hidden field in the form which looks
> like this:
> <input type=hidden name=SAME_RESIDENCE.<dtml-var
> expr="_.getitem('SAME_RESIDENCE')">:record>
> The post method for the father's form is a folder called mothers which is
> contained within forms. Its index_html is the mother's info form.
> SAME_RESIDENCE is passed to it by the father's form in REQUEST.form. I am
> having difficulty with testing for the value of SAME_RESIDENCE. Here is the
> code I am using.
> <dtml-if expr="_.getitem('SAME_RESIDENCE')=='Y'">
> Same residence
> <dtml-else>
> Not the same residence
> </dtml-if>
> The expression always evaluates false so I guess I am doing something
> wrong. For debugging purposes, I added the following to the top of the page:
> <p>Same Residence = <dtml-var expr="_.getitem('SAME_RESIDENCE')"></p>
> and the value of SAME_RESIDENCE changes appropriately as I select Yes or No
> on the maritalStatus form so I know that it is not the problem. Any idea
> what I am doing wrong?
could it be that SR is a record?
for brevity, let x=_.getitem('SAME_RESIDENCE')
<input type=hidden name=SAME_RESIDENCE.<dtml-var
delivers a record SR
with a component SR.x which is text.
so you are comparing a record with a string (always false)
read also