[Zope] ZClass permissions

Ross Patterson rossp@ppc.ucsc.edu
Thu, 14 Feb 2002 08:12:38 -0800 (PST)

I believe it depends on the actions the method is performing.  If you
look at (or post) the method actions, you can probably guess what
permission your zclass needs enabled.  Then you can go to the "Define
Permissions" tab in your ZClass management screen and enable that
permission, probably by mapping it to the very same permission in the

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Tom Nixon wrote:

> I have created a ZClass and a new View called "Edit" which displays a
> DTML Method containing an automatically generated Formulator form (both
> situated inside the ZClass).
> However when I create an instance of the ZClass then click the "edit"
> view, I am prompted to enter my username and password.
> If I change the DTML method to a simple "Hello World" message it works
> fine, so it seems to be something to do with the Formulator form.
> Obviously there is a permission problem somewhere, but where should I be
> looking?
> Zope Version  (Zope 2.5.0 (binary release, python 2.1, win32-x86),
> python 2.1.2, win32)
> Python Version  2.1.2 (#31, Jan 15 2002, 17:28:11) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)]
> System Platform  win32
> T.
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| Ross Patterson			rossp@cats.ucsc.edu	|
| Programmer/Analyst			(831)459-2792		|
| Physical Planning & Construction	Fax:(831)423-7436	|
| UC Santa Cruz				http:www2.ucsc.edu/ppc	|