[Zope] Java Scripts
Horst Wald
Tue, 19 Feb 2002 10:18:41 +0000
>I have an existing website that I am trying to test using Zope. However,
>I have a lot of java scripts for forms validations , rollover buttons,
>etc.. I am just curious how should I transfer them to Zope?
>Are there any examples besides tutorial of zope based websites?
I might have one for you. I have two java-classes named BlowFishEnc and
BlowFishDec for encryption and decryption using the blowfish-algorithm. I
found them much to complicated to be translated into Python.
They both take two String-args: password and text and return the encoded and
decoded text respectively as a String.
So I wrote an external module called BlowFish.py which contains two external
methods that call the java-classes: BlowFishEnc and BlowFishDec. Here is the
import os
def BlowFishEnc(self,PassW,Text):
return os.popen('java BlowFishEnc %s %s'%(PassW,Text)).read()
def BlowFishDec(self,PassW,Text):
return os.popen('java BlowFishDec %s %s'%(PassW,Text)).read()
Hope this helps
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