[Zope] trying to use hasProperty()
Paul Erickson
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 11:11:47 -0700
Since objectItems is returning a list of objects, you don't need to look
up sequence-item in the _ namspace.
Try this instead:
<dtml-if "sequence-item.hasProperty('active')">
I think what you were doing would work if you were using "objectIds"
instead, which returns a list of object names.
Roger Sillito wrote:
>I'm trying to iterate through an list created with ObjectItems and test
>if each sequence item has a given property, something like:
><dtml-in "objectItems(['DTML Document'])">
> <dtml-if "_['sequence-item'].hasProperty('active')">
> <p>This document is "active"</p>
> </dtml-if>
>This isn't working though, I get
>Error Type: AttributeError
>Error Value: hasProperty
>any help with this greatly appreciated,
> Roger Sillito (Web Assistant)
> Publications & Website Development Office 0191 222 3482
> University of Newcastle upon Tyne naoyam.ncl.ac.uk
> NE1 7RU w.r.sillito@ncl.ac.uk
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