[Zope] What If i don't want Zope sorting for me.

Terry terry@taipeitimes.com
Tue, 26 Feb 2002 10:18:17 +0800

Hi  friend,

I tried a Python Script
### Python Script
'ar_id':'Article ID',
'ar_sbhdtease':'Sub Head Tease',
'ar_sbhdbody':'Sub Head Body',
'ar_byline':'By line',
print context.REQUEST.my_dic.keys()
return printed
### End of Python Script

The script return

['ar_sbhdtease', 'ar_sbhdbody', 'ar_body', 'ar_id', 'ar_head', 'ar_byline']

It just forget the original order I just defined. Any idea ?


Chris Withers wrote:

>>Terry wrote:
>>I have a dictionary in REQUEST.
>><dtml-call "REQUEST.set('my_dic',{'ar_id':'Article
>><dtml-var "my_dic.keys()">
>>Zope will sort for me. How to use the original order ?
>1. Don't use DTML for that kindof code, it's nasty. Use a Script (Python)
>the above would be:
>                    {
>                      'ar_id'  :'Aticle ID',
>                      'ar_head':'Head',
>                      'ar_body':'Body'})
>return REQUEST.my_dict.keys()
>As for the sorting, Zope sorts nothing. Python Dictionaries don't promise to
>order their keys so you may get them back in any random order.
>PS: HTML to a non-HTML list is also a no-no. Stop usign Outlook Express before
>it kills you ;-)