[Zope] product for simple editing (no HTML)

Lennart Regebro lennart@regebro.nu
Tue, 26 Feb 2002 19:53:30 +0100

From: "Miles Fidelman" <mfidelman@ntcorp.com>
> So.. I'm looking for something that works within the Zope
> environment, where a designated individual:
> - goes to a specified URL
> - logs in
> - enters ascii text
> - hits save
> - sees a preview
> - hits submit to send the change to somebody for approval

Structured text would work here. That gives you text only editing, but you
can still have headers and bullet lists and stuff.

> - a simple way to insert paragraph breaks
> - some basic WYSIWYG editing
> Can somebody point me at such a beast?


If you need a component, try Johan Carlssons IEMethod:

If you want something finished, look at

The beta2 will hopefully be realeased tomorrow, with support for IE6.