[Zope] IIS and PCGI

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 20:41:06 +0100

Paul Zwarts writes:
 > ...
 >   File "E:\WebSite\lib\python\ZODB\FileStorage.py", line 202, in
 > __init__
 >     lock_file(f)
 >   File "E:\WebSite\lib\python\ZODB\lock_file.py", line 43, in lock_file
 >     raise error, (
 > ImportError: (<class ZODB.POSException.StorageSystemError at 006E58C4>,
 > 'Could not lock the database file.  There must be\nanother process that
 > has opened the file.\n<p>')
"PCGI" thought there were no Zope process running (don't know why).
Therefore, it stated one. But the first thought has been wrong.
There already has been a Zope process and it holds a lock on
"Data.fs". Starting Zope failed (that what you see in the traceback).

Find the running Zope process and stop it.
