[Zope] Reportlab + External methods + SQL data
Garry Steedman
Wed, 2 Jan 2002 21:19:45 -0800 (PST)
Hello all,
apologies in advance for xposting: i've posted this to
reportlab-users also...
i've been trying for a while to get my head round
making PDFs with Reportlab + Zope + SQL data, but the
combination is beating me!
i have a bunch of dtml methods which are displaying
SQL data quite happily, mostly in HTML tables. i need
to add a link to each method which allows users to
generate a PDF file (loaded into browser) for
printing, but i'm having real trouble with the
external methods part.
does anybody have any `real world' code they are
willing to share to get me on the right path?
any contributions welcome!!!
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