[Zope] damn sophisticated mysql security
Gilles Lenfant
Fri, 4 Jan 2002 15:33:59 +0100
IMHO, you should try to replace 5. and 6. against this SQL (as root):
grant all on mydatabase.* to myuser@localhost identified by 'mypassword';
Then carry on as usual with your ZMySQLDA object (use "mydatabase myuser
mypassword" as connection string).
This works perfectly for me.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Horst Wald" <horstwald@hotmail.com>
To: <zope@zope.org>; <website-talk-admin@list.ora.com>
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 1:32 PM
Subject: [Zope] damn sophisticated mysql security
> Hello,
> MySQL is so damn secure I can't access my own database!!!
> .. but only if I try to connect to the MySQL-Server on the same host like
> the Zope-server; I get:
> Error Type: OperationalError
> Error Value: (1045, "Access denied for user: 'hsql@localhost' (Using
> password: YES)")
> I can connect to a MySQL-Server on a remote machine without problems.
> see if I understood what you have to do if you want to connect to the
> Database "MyDataBase", being the user "MyUser" on the local machine with
> IP "" using the password "MyPassWord":
> 1. become root
> 2. mysql
> 3. create database MyDataBase;
> 4. use mysql
> 5. insert into db values
> 6. insert into user
> 7. flush privileges; (or even restart MySQL or even reboot the computer)
> 8. then (in Zope) add a ZMySQLDatabaseConnection with the connection
> "MyDataBase MyUser MyPassWord", deliberately omitting the host
> Any easier way? The easiest way? What I'd like best would be to disable
> whole MySQL-security-stuff so I can start to work at last. I can care for
> security later.
> Thanks in advance
> Horst
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