[Zope] ANNOUNCE: An easier way to write products

maxm maxm@mxm.dk
Thu, 10 Jan 2002 12:13:00 +0100

It has long bothered me to no end that when I write Python based products
that there was a lot of repeat code. Thus violating the DRY pinciple (Don't
Repeat Yourself).

Also it has been to difficult to get started with a new product, with too
many things that had to be just rigth to get going. So you have had to take
one of your old products an do extensive searh and replace to get going.
Thats a bother.

So I have made two simple classes encapsulating my best practices in writing
products. They make it REALLY simple to get a product up and running, and
has no penalty as such.

One class is for making simple products with content. Like articles, user
info, Issues, animal info;-) etc.

The other class is for making ObjectManagers. They behave like an item, but
can contain other objects. So it's folder like.

I believe that this kind of functionality should have been built into Zope
to begin with, as it would solve the beginner problems for 90% of the people
trying to create Python products.

Thus flattening the "Z" shaped learning curve.

More info here:


regards Max M