[Zope] Re: dtml-tree and keeping nodes open

Andreas Leitner nozone@sbox.tugraz.at
14 Jan 2002 12:46:19 +0100

On Mon, 2002-01-14 at 09:56, Josef Meile wrote:
> > Silly me. I just found the solution. For those interested, I had to use
> > the special "id" attribute of the dtml-tree tag.
> Could you telling us how you solved the problem. I'm having the same problem too and I couldn't have figured out how to solve it.

I thought I have found the solution, but it does not work 100%. I just
invented a id like this (foo is nowhere in my namespace):

<dtml-tree id="foo" ...>
	<a href="<dtml-var absolute_url>"><dtml id_or_title></a>

I think I need to find the true container of the dtml-method the tag is
in and then make id somehow relative to it (see other post of mine). But
I don't know how to get the true container (I get the aquired parent via
aq_parent, but that's not what I want).
