[Zope] ZODB based Product problem

Chris McDonough chrism@zope.com
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 10:46:14 -0500

Hi Antonio,

To be honest, I didnt read all of your message because it was too long=20
and wasn't very clearly worded. Sorry!  I'd like to help but I usually=20
only have the time to answer "bite sized" succinct emails from the=20
maillist that don't require a lot of conceptual and physical setup.  I=20
imagine that other folks have the same issue.

You might try to restate your problem in a shorter email.


- C

Antonio Jes=FAs Carrasco Garc=EDa wrote:

> Hello again.
> What=B4s the problem with my question?
> Is it very difficult?
> Nobody knows how to do it?
> Isn=B4t there any way to do it?
> Don=B4t you understand my english?
> I need an answer. Or only a feedback to say:
> "Ok, Antonio. I have read your e-mail, but I don=B4t know the way to do=
> it. Try another way to do it!."
> Please, I need something. I=B4m becoming crazy.
> Thanks.
> Antonio Carrasco
> www.grupoiud.com
>> From: "Antonio Carrasco" <antoniojezu@hotmail.com>
>> To: <zope@zope.org>
>> CC: <zodb-dev-@zope.org>, <zope-dev@zope.org>
>> Subject: [Zope] ZODB based Product problem
>> Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 23:51:41 +0100
>> Don=B4t forget. I=B4m spanish and my english may not be enough good. H=
ave fun
>> with this e-mail.
>> I=B4ve been a lot of time looking for documentation, studing it and=20
>> trying to
>> develop usefull things with ZODB. Here is my problem.
>> Well. I=B4m working in a Product in wich I use a ZODB to store data. I=
>> don=B4t
>> use Data.fs, I=B4m trying to use the ZODB with my own file and=20
>> collection. I
>> have a product with this properties or attributes:
>>     id: the id of the instance.
>>     title: the title
>>     ZODBFile: The ZODB where the user want to store the data. I use th=
>> name to construct a FileStorage wich is like
>> '<ZOPEDIR>/lib/python/Products/MyZProduct/var/' + ZODBFile + '.fs
>>     colection: The colection inside the ZODBFile.
>> When someone wants to add a MyZProduct instance, I show a form to fill=
>> this
>> attributes. Well, the __init__ is like this:
>>     def __init__(self,id,title,ZODBFile,Colection):
>>         self.id=3Did
>>         self.title=3Dtitle
>>         self.ZODBFile=3DZODBFile
>>         self.Collection=3DColection
>>         #Now try to connect to the database
>>         self.colection=3DFileStorage('<ZOPEDIR>/.......#and the name o=
f the
>> ZODBFile
>> This last line make the Zope to raise an Error Message in commit in
>> Connection object. I don=B4t remember now (I=B4m not at work), but som=
>> like:
>>     "Attempt to store data from a remote database connection"
>> ??????????. What=B4s the problem?. May my ZProduct inherit some other=20
>> Class or
>> ZClass to be able to store the data?.
>> Later I do a self.connection=3Ddb.open(). Another problem with this li=
ne. I
>> can=B4t save in my class attributes this objects. The colection, neith=
>> the
>> connection, and I need both to make the ZODB navigation, and the ZODB=20
>> open
>> and close methods.
>> If you need more information, I=B4ll post another more comprensive e-m=
>> Thanks.
>> Antonio Carrasco
>> www.grupoiud.com
>> PD: For spanish people I have written a How-To / Tutorial named
>> crearUnProducto.
>> www.zope.org/Members/rociana/misHowTo/crearUnProducto
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