[Zope] Can Role include an other Role?
Thomas Guettler
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 18:05:11 +0100
Lennart Regebro wrote:
>From: <zopestoller@thomas-guettler.de>
>>I have three groups of users: A, B, C.
>>C should have all permissions that A und B have. How can I do this?
>You create two roles, A and B. You give all users in group A role A, all
>users in group B role B.
>You give users in group C roles A and B.
Yes, this would do it. But imagine group A, B, C are departments. One
employee can only be in one appartement.
Group C (chef) is allowed to access all information from A and B. It
would be confusing to put the C people into A and
B, because they are not in that departement. I solution would be: make a
"access" role for every group:
Role A, B, C store only the people in the appartements. A-access,
B-access store the people who are allowed
to access the information in A or B.
(sorry, must leave now. Would be nice to discuss this further tomorrow)