[Zope] how to request a multiple select list?
Juergen R. Plasser / HEXAGON
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 16:51:03 +0100
I am almost new to Zope and HTML-Forms, so I have run into some
I have just a problem with a lines property of an object that should be
edited. I use a form with hidden fields (for the lines property of the
object there is a <input name="abc" type="hidden" values="<dtml-var
When the user now clicks the edit button the action (let's call it
action_html) should be executed. In action_html I'd like to show the user
the current values (for the list it must be a multiple select) and give
him/her the chance to change the properties.
But how can I request the list from the previous form? I always get a list
including one string (which is a list itself), like this
How can I simply forward the variable/value from the one form to the other?
Or is it possible to request the object properties from the given id?
Besides that, is there a simple solution to select the given list values in
a multiple select tag? I have a workaround that looks like this:
<SELECT name="newBenutzerliste:list" size="8" width="16" multiple>
<dtml-in get_valid_userids>
<dtml-let seqi=sequence-item>
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('sel',0)">
<dtml-in Benutzerliste>
<dtml-if expr="_['seqi']==_['sequence-item']">
<OPTION selected value="<dtml-var sequence-item
html_quote>"><dtml-var sequence-item></OPTION>
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('sel',1)">
<dtml-if sel>
<OPTION value="<dtml-var sequence-item html_quote>"><dtml-var