[Zope] Running Zope on managed Web server
Lennart Regebro
Wed, 23 Jan 2002 00:11:34 +0100
From: "Matt Paddock" <mapdock@pair.com>
> Is it enough to build content and do development on my
> home system and upload to my Pair site(s), or do I really
> need to be accessing and developing through an installed copy
> of Zope on Pair?
There are scripts somewhere on the net that allows you to do this.
Of course, you lose all possibility of dynamic content as static HTML pages
are generated, but for many sites that isn't a problem. You do lose a lot of
the best things about Zope, though...
> If the latter is true, how can I best configure Zope to
> be accessible through my Pair account. Reading WEBSERVERS.txt
> I actually was able to fire up pcgi and log into the Zope in-
> terface through http://my.web.address.com:8080/manage. So, if
> I can do that, does it mean I'm all set and ready to be building
> my site with Zope on Pair?
Basically, yes. Of course it would be better if you could run it on port 80
instead. There are two ways of doing this:
If you have not only a web address of your own, but an IP-address of your
own, you can just start the Zope-server with port 80 instead of 8080 in the
startup script. More likely though, you share ip-adresses, and Pair's apache
are using virtual hosting to forward your adress to your site. In that case,
you need to agree on a port to use with Pair (8080 seems to be fine since it
worked) and they need to set up their apache server to point to your Zope
server, via proxypass.
Beware though, many providers may not been keen on you running your own
servers. Of course, if they had something between the ears they would
already bee providing you with a Zope server, but they don't, do they? :-)