[Zope] Adding a Factory results in a new ZCatalog index type

Lennart Regebro lennart@regebro.nu
Wed, 23 Jan 2002 12:40:09 +0100

From: "Maik Jablonski" <maik.jablonski@uni-bielefeld.de>
> in short-terms: when i add a simple new product with a "add list name"
> like TEST (as described in the Zope Book), then 'TEST' will be displayed
> in the list of INDEX-Types in a ZCatalog ('TextIndex',
> 'KeyWordIndex','PathIndex','FieldIndex' and 'TEST'!!!!!!!!!). that's
> what i don't want.

Ah. NOW I get it. I'm just stupid... I think Dieter is probably right, he
usually is.