[Zope] Multiple Inserts Using Sybase DAV
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 10:58:08 -0800
I'm not 100% sure with Sybase, but it sounds like you need to use the <dtml-var sql_delimiter> between the two insert
For example
Insert into table_one (values)
<dtml-sqlvar values type="string">
<dtml-var sql_delimiter>
Insert into table_two (values)
<dtml-sqlvar values type="string">
On 24 Jan 2002, Kia A. Arab wrote:
> Hi, I'm creating a web application where users
> can submit and retrieve library resources
> online. The backend of this application is a
> Sybase database. I use two tables: one that
> stores a unique id, title, author, name, etc.
> And another that stores keywords related to
> the resource for searching purposes. All this
> information is captured on one form. The
> keywords are captured in a list by way of the
> Python cgi module.
> The problem I'm having is inserting this
> information into the two tables. I can easily
> insert the title, author, etc info into one
> table. But, when I try to put the keywords in
> a separate table, it fails.
> Seems like a simple task but I'm at a loss.
> Does anyone have any suggestions. And please
> also email me directly since I'm not
> subscribed to this list. Thank you, Kia
> Here is my insertAction. The appropriate
> parameters are in the argument list:
> INSERT into lib_entry ( submitter, office_num,
> resource_type, resource_title,
> resource_author, resource_pubdate,
> resource_abstract) VALUES ( <dtml-sqlvar
> submitter type="string">, <dtml-sqlvar
> office_num type="string">, <dtml-sqlvar
> resource_type type="string">, <dtml-sqlvar
> resource_title type="string">, <dtml-sqlvar
> resource_author type="string">, <dtml-sqlvar
> resource_pubdate type="string">, <dtml-sqlvar
> resource_abstract type="string">)
> After this, how do I insert the keywords?
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