[Zope] Calling ZSQL methods with implicit arguments

Nuno Maltez nuno@xml.pt
Fri, 25 Jan 2002 12:25:46 +0000

Em Sexta, 25 de Janeiro de 2002 05:11, Stuart Bishop escreveu:
> On Friday, January 25, 2002, at 01:01  AM, Nuno Maltez wrote:
> Try:
> 	<dtml-let results=myZsqlMethod>
> Putting quotes around myZsqlMethod changes its meaning, in exactly the
> same way as with the dtml-var or dtml-in tags (so
> <dtml-let results="myZsqlMethod()"> should also work).

This seems to work fine as well... I wonder why I was thinking it

Oh well, thank you all for your help.
