[Zope] basic search engine (product?) for a working website in zope

cruciatuz sasoft@gmx.de
Fri, 25 Jan 2002 18:01:17 -0500

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i integrated a website in zope (uploaded the complete site with ftp and
splitted navigation into one single file, which is dynamically inserted in =
single page with dtml-var, and did some other things ...).

now i want to add a simple search-form in the file with the navigation=20
which outputs the search-results on a new page
with hyperlinks, like many modern websites do (it's called a "site search",=

i didn't find a product which can do that AND i am not able to code this
thing myself (i played around with zcatalog, but it's a very complex
thing and my book about zope doesn't tell how to code a site search, it
just says what i 'could' do with a zcatalog).

i also had a look at cmf, but i wont be able to use it with the zope
installation at work.

any suggestions?
any products i missed?
a tutorial which discribes how to solve my problem?
some hints?

many thx in advance
Stefan Antoni
Fre Jan 25 17:53:46 EST 2002

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