[Zope] call an object from within a product
Benjamin Buffereau
Mon, 28 Jan 2002 16:52:12 +0100
Hi there,
my question is probably quite stupid, but I can't find the answer anywhere: how
to call an object from a product? I would like to obtain exactly the same result
as if the object was called through the web or with dtml-var.
I wrote something like:
#get the object
object = self.unrestrictedTraverse(url)
#Call the object as a DTML method
htmlsource = localObject.__call__(object, REQUEST)
#Call the object as a folder
htmlsource = localObject.index_html.__call__(object, REQUEST)
This works for folders and DTML Methods, but not for images... I would like to
let ZPublisher do the work for me!